Financial Healing Therapy - Boston, MA
Transform your relationship to money and maximize your financial worth and success

We all grew up with explicit and unspoken messages about money from our family and culture.
We often have a lot of unsupportive beliefs that hold us back from having the financial life we want. Which one of us hasn’t said to herself:
“I am bad at math and managing money”
“I will never have enough”
“Money and gifts mean love”
“I am not worthy to ask for a raise”
“I can’t do what I love because I will never make enough money”
“I can’t survive without a husband to support me”
“Money only comes through hard work”
“I feel guilty and undeserving to have family money”
“How can I ever prove my own worth when I had so much given to me?”
All these emotions and beliefs come down to money shame. We all have some degree of it, whether we just barely have enough or are in a solid financial situation.
Most women struggle with their relationship to money on their own, but the problem intensifies when we add a partner to the mix. Money arguments, hurts and misunderstandings chip away at love, unnecessarily.
Unfortunately, we will always live with this money shame and all the unhelpful beliefs that will keep us from making more money. Our unhealthy, unexamined relationship to money will prevent us from going for what we want professionally and from having compassionate money conversations in our relationships. We will keep having the same issues unless we examine our relationship to money and create a new financial blueprint.
There is a solution
My financial healing and Money Coaching services for women and couples do just that. As a renown shame expert Brene Brown has said, shame thrives in secrecy. Don’t let your money shame magnify as you suffer alone.
I provide a space to thoughtfully talk about your money experiences, and emotions. We will examine your subconscious beliefs, attitudes, assumptions, and patterns related to money. You will learn to approach feelings of guilt, anxiety, and fear with kindness and empathy.
If you do this work with your significant other, you will make sense of each other’s money experiences since childhood, learn to recognize the patterns you picked up from your family of origin, and support one another in changing what doesn’t serve you. You will gain more clarity about each other’s reactions and behaviors concerning money. This new awareness will enable you to create a solid foundation for compassionate and supportive money conversations. Together we can create a joint vision of your relationship to money as a couple and help you build financial intimacy.

Leave behind painful reactions
We will create an awareness of subconscious attitudes, beliefs, and patterns that have led you to unhelpful money behaviors. You can get to know your money shame, guilt, anxiety, and dread. You can then leave painful automatic reactions behind and develop the capacity to make thought-through financial decisions.

Be in control of your choices
By creating a new blueprint of your relationship to money, you will be in control of your financial choices.

Gain the courage to earn what you are worth
You will have the knowledge and the freedom to manage money decisions and situations with awareness and clarity. Healing money shame leads women to recognize the depth of how much they undervalue their work and to have the courage to ask to earn what they are worth.

My approach to financial healing
I am passionate about sharing my work with women who are tired of feeling anxious, guilty, inadequate, “bad at money,” or undeserving when it comes to their financial worth and identity. Couples also greatly benefit from this work that enables them to create their own unique financial path with clarity and love.
Discover more in your free Financial Healing brochure